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Online Coaching at Coach Ki’s Fitness Coaching

Experience the convenience and flexibility of expert fitness guidance from the comfort of your own home with our Online Coaching service at Coach Ki’s Fitness Coaching. Designed to accommodate busy lifestyles and those who prefer remote training, our Online Coaching program provides personalized workout plans, expert guidance, and regular check-ins to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Get Started


  1. Virtual Coaching: $45/hr session

  2. Weekly Coaching Package: $100/week

(includes 5 hour-long workout plans)


Our beginner package focuses on easing you into the world of fitness by helping you develop healthy habits that lead to sustainable weight loss and overall wellness. After a week of food logging, we’ll work with you to create a calorie deficit plan based on your current eating habits and weight loss goals. This package includes:

  • Personalized coaching on habit formation
  • Gentle introduction to workout routines
  • Gradual adjustments to your diet
  • Ongoing support and motivation


For those who have some experience in fitness but are looking to elevate their workouts and nutrition, our intermediate package offers more advanced exercise routines and specific meal plans to help you push through plateaus and reach your goals. This package includes:

  • Tailored workout routines to challenge your body
  • Customized meal plans for optimal nutrition
  • Regular progress assessments and adjustments
  • Continued guidance, support, and encouragement


Designed for fitness enthusiasts with specific goals, our advanced package focuses on targeted muscle development or intense conditioning, depending on your individual needs. With expert guidance, we’ll help you achieve the results you’ve been striving for. This package includes:

  • Specialized workouts for targeted muscle growth or conditioning
  • Advanced nutrition strategies to support your goals
  • In-depth progress tracking and program adjustments
  • Expert advice, motivation, and support throughout your journey

Why Choose Online Coaching?

Our Online Coaching service offers a range of benefits to help you reach your fitness goals on your own terms:

  • Convenience: Train from the comfort of your own home or any location that suits you, without the need to travel to a gym or fitness studio.
  • Flexibility: Schedule your sessions and workouts at times that work best for you, allowing you to easily fit your fitness routine into your busy lifestyle.
  • Personalized Workouts: Receive customized workout plans designed specifically for your fitness level, goals, and preferences.
  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from Coach Ki’s expertise as she provides ongoing guidance, support, and motivation throughout your fitness journey.
  • Regular Check-ins: Stay accountable and on track with regular check-ins, ensuring you stay focused and committed to your goals.
Get Started

Your Journey Starts Here

No matter where you are in your fitness journey, Coach Ki’s Fitness Coaching is here to support you. With our personalized approach, expert guidance, and unwavering commitment to your success, we will help you transform your body and improve your life. Join us today and let us guide you in becoming the best version of yourself!

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